2 fcim: flexible control interconnection modules, 3 f-tran: flexible translator language – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53MC5000 Training Manual User Manual
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Training Manual
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1.2.2 FCIM: Flexible Control Interconnection Modules
This method uses pre-defined control modules such as Math, Logic, Control and
Input/Output modules in a user-defined sequence of steps to configure the control
strategy. The user does not need any knowledge of computer programming.
FCIM can be configured from:
• Controller front face using the faceplate buttons
• MicroTools Application Software
1.2.3 F-TRAN: Flexible Translator Language
This is the third method of programming the 53MC5000. F-TRAN is a high level
programming language that you can use to create custom control strategies that meet
advanced application needs. The programs are written in simple command statements,
compiled and downloaded into the controller. F-TRAN is used to create custom control
programs but is also used to create custom controller displays.
Control F-TRAN: These programs are for implementing custom control strategies in the
controller. Any complex control strategy can be implemented using the F-TRAN language
command set. Complex sequence operations, batch controls, advanced calculations, etc.
can all be included in and F-TRAN control program
Display F-TRAN: When the standard displays do not meet customer desires, custom
displays can be created to provide the desired operator interface. Display F-TRAN allows
pixel-by-pixel control of the dot matrix display. Standard symbols and text are provided
along with an animation command set to create graphical displays and operator interfaces.
F-TRAN, as a compiled language, requires a software development tool. MicroTools is
the software product used to write, compile and load the F-RAN application.