Ocean Optics NanoCalc User Manual

Page 49

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Ocean Optics Germany GmbH Thin Film Metrology


Thus there is a factor of 10 between these two experiments. Internally the device signal will first be

divided by 10 (maintaining a good S/N-ratio) and then the calculation will be done as usual.

- show fit checkboxes (in internal mode of NanoCalc only):
in the menu Edit Structure there are some fit checkboxes that can be made visible or not. In the
current software version only thickness and n and k (for Cauchy models) are activated
- show fit sliders (in internal mode of NanoCalc only):
you may use fit sliders to check for variations of thickness, n or k

- show dark button:
an extra dark button appears if it is necessary to measure any dark current (e.g. in a microscope setup)
- show SCOUT recipe button:
a feature to load SCOUT recipes if you are using the internal mode (also possible from main menu)
- show NanoCalc recipe button:
a feature to load internal recipes if you are using the SCOUT mode (also possible from main menu)
- show mapping button:
an extra “mapping” button appears to make it easier to use mapping (also possible from main menu)
- quality slider is allowed
with this feature it is possible to set the speed (or the precision of the fit) for each individual measurement



It is quite difficult to measure interference if the substrate or the layers are rough, as the interference patterns
get lost.