Ocean Optics NanoCalc User Manual
Page 21
Ocean Optics Germany GmbH Thin Film Metrology
There is a section [Scout] in this layer recipe with an entry for "Scout_Recipename_NC". This entry is a
link to the corresponding SCOUT .sc2-recipe in the directory "c:\programs\scout\scout_sc2_recipes" (or
similar directory name).
If this linked .sc2-recipe is existent, SCOUT will be used for calculations = “SCOUT mode”. If this link is
empty, NanoCalc will calculate without SCOUT = “internal mode” (at the moment only for thicknesses and
Cauchy parameters !)
Example for SCOUT-mode (in ellipsometry):
Example for NanoCalc internal mode:
The *.lrc-file is an ASCII file that contains most parameters of the software, but NO measured or simulated
values of psi/delta (or tan(psi) /cos(delta)) as a function of the wavelength.
If you load a recipe you will not see any curve on the screen, but a change in the setup or the limits.
Save as file
(internal mode only)
This routine saves the measured or simulated file as an ASCII file with the extension .nan. The name of the
file may be chosen arbitrarily. Do not use any other extension than .nan.
The *.nan-file is an ASCII file which contains most parameters of the installation and reflectivity R(λ) as a
function of wavelength (or pixel) within the plot limits.
Save as layer recipe
(internal mode only)
Scout_RecipeName_NC=SiO2 (table) on Si.sc2