Ocean Optics NanoCalc User Manual
Page 38
Ocean Optics Germany GmbH Thin Film Metrology
Ocean Optics can deliver xy-stages up to 300mm
(= 12”)
a. xy reference position
With a right mouse button click you may change the position for measuring
the reference. You may also enter numbers in this field. There is a
possibility to build a wafer-chuck with a special area for a piece of
reference-material even outside the defined wafer area. You may enter
negative coordinates, but be VERY careful not to damage the stage. When
the reference is taken, the stage drives to the set reference position and
takes the reference measurement.
b. xy center position:
You may define a round (!) area which means the area of measurements.
This area is not necessarily the same as the reserved area for the chuck
c. wait interval:
After each measurement the scanning may be interrupted for a certain
interval of time
d. scanmode:
If you activate this option each single measurement is waiting for a trigger
signal (a keystroke with ENTER key or an external TTL trigger signal which
is applied to the spectrometer. Ask your hardware supplier…)
data extract:
a. visibility during map
You have the choice between 1D-plots for line scans, 2D-plots and/or 3D-
plots. The 2D-plot and the 3D-plot contain the same data.
A 1D-plot is possible only if you measure along ONE row or column (and
not a two-dimensional field.)
Only one variable is allowed to be seen during map.
b. analyzing options
Analyze thickness on each left mouse click. This is a very useful feature
to make a quick check on thickness distributions on your wafer (do not
forget to activate option "plot value ").
Fitness limit: if your results are completely wrong for some reasons, all
measured values with a fitness greater than this fitness limit here will be
set to zero. This feature is useful, if dust causes a measurement error
during mapping. Without this feature you might get enormous spikes.
d. number of runs
You have the choice between a single run (for real measurement
purposes) and a nearly infinite number of runs (=30000) for
demonstration purposes.