Fitness – Ocean Optics NanoCalc User Manual
Page 19
Ocean Optics Germany GmbH Thin Film Metrology
Any extraction of parameters is accompanied by a value of "
". This is the sum of the mean square
deviations between measured and simulated curve (normalized to the range of extraction). The fitness is a
rough guide whether your thickness value is "good" or not.
In the file “Thinfilm.ini” you will find 3 entries in section [fit]:
If you change the variable RYG_LevelsAreDisplayed from “False” to “True” (in main menu “Fitparameters”),
the usual rainbow pattern on the screen will disappear and a simple color will show up.
If the fitness is below Failure_YellowLevel=0.1 you will see a GREEN color.
If the fitness is between Failure_YellowLevel=0.1 and Failure_RedLevel=1 you will see a
YELLOW color.
If the fitness is above Failure_RedLevel=0.1 you will see a RED color
If you measure very thick layers (with a good correlation between maxima positions, but bad correlation
between signal heights) you may end up with high values of fitness, but nevertheless the thickness results
may be o.k.