Ocean Optics NanoCalc User Manual

Page 35

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Ocean Optics Germany GmbH Thin Film Metrology


main menus of mapping mode
1. menu “Recipes”

Save as map recipe

Load map recipe

Here you may save or load ALL the settings you have done in all the various possibilities. It is
recommended to save your usual settings in a recipe. It is possible to use a special recipe name like
“myownRecipe”. Recipes for mapping will receive the extension “.mrc” and will be saved in menu

2. menu “Teach in”

This will be explained later in a following section

3. menu “help”

this is the usual access to help functions

main buttons (lower right side)

you can take a reference with a blank reference wafer (right mouse button=time adjuastments possible)
you can take a real (test) measurement with your sample. Thus you can control all settings before you
start the mapping
clears the screen