Communication information, Printing the journal – Savin 1045 User Manual

Page 39

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3. Communication


Printing the Journal

The Journal contains information
about the last 50 communications
made by your machine. It is printed
automatically after every 50 commu-
nications (receptions+transmissions).
If the machine installs the optional
ISDN Unit or the optional Extra G3
Interface Unit, you can print the Jour-
nal of each line type.
You can also print a copy of the Jour-
nal at any time by following the pro-
cedure below.


❒ The contents of a Journal printed

automatically is deleted after
printing. If you administer the his-
tory of transmissions and recep-
tions, we recommend that you
keep the Journal. You can check to-
tal 200 communications (recep-
t i o n s + t r a n s m i s s i o n s ) o n t h e


Prints the Journal in order com-
munications made.

Print per File No.

Prints the Journal specified only
by file a number.

Print per User Code

Prints the Journal of communi-
cations concerning specified a
User Code.


❒ The sender's name column of the

Journal is useful when you need to
program a special sender.

❒ If you do not want the Journal

printed, you can turn it off.

P.136 “Changing the User Parame-
Switch03, Bit7)


Press [Information].


Select [Print Journal].


Select a printing mode.