2 enabling the ags, 3 monitoring the ags, 1 me-arc remote’s ags meter menus – Magnum Energy ME-ARC Remote User Manual
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© 2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.
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Using an AGS Module: Operation/Monitoring
• ON – The ON selection manually starts the generator by sending a ‘start’ command from the
AGS controller. Once started (by selecting “ON”), the generator must be manually stopped—
either from an external stop switch or by selecting OFF from the 03 Gen Control menu (sends
“stop” command from AGS).
Info: When “ON” is selected, the Magnum inverter will not attempt to accept the
generator AC voltage until the warm-up period is satisfi ed. The ON selection uses warm-
up time. The OFF selection stops immediately and does not use the cooldown time.
Info: You can manually start the generator and have it automatically stop by selecting
ON from the 03 Gen Control menu, and then changing the selection to AUTO to
automatically stop the generator. When AUTO is selected after the generator has been
manually started, it displays the AGS status as “Start VDC” and uses the stop setting
from the SETUP: 04A Gen Run VDC menu (even if not active) or the 04F Max Gen
Run Time menu, whichever occurs fi rst. This is useful if you want to make sure the
generator starts before you leave; the Max Gen Run Time setting ensures the generator
does not run longer than required.
• AUTO – This selection uses the settings from the SETUP: 04 AGS Setup menus to automati-
cally start and stop the generator based on battery voltage, time of day, AC load on the in-
verter, high temperature, or battery state of charge (requires a ME-BMK/ME-BMK-NS acces-
sory). Refer to the Section 7.1 “Setting Up the AGS using the ME-ARC” to set the start and
stop parameters for the generator.
Enabling the AGS
Before the AGS can begin operating/monitoring for an autostart condition (using active AGS au-
tostart/autostop settings in your ME-ARC), it must be enabled. To enable the AGS:
1. Press the remote’s CTRL button, and then rotate the SELECT knob to the 03 Gen Control
2. Press the SELECT knob. The Set Gen Control screen displays with the current generator
control setting and an arrow to the right.
3. Turn the SELECT knob to the AUTO setting, and then press the SELECT knob again to se-
lect this setting. The selection arrow appears to the right of the screen.
After enabling the AGS, go to the METER: 04A AGS Status menu. If the AGS’s status is Ready,
then the AGS is ready to automatically start/stop the generator once an autostart condition is
satisfi ed. If the AGS’s status is not Ready, then refer to Section 7.3.3 “Resolving AGS Faults using
the ME-ARC” before continuing.
Note: If power is lost to your remote, the AGS control setting will return to the default OFF set-
ting. Once power is restored, you must enable the AGS again.
Info: Several autostart/autostop settings can be active at once. However, once an
autostart condition becomes active all other autostart conditions are ignored until the
specifi c condition that caused the generator to start (e.g., Start Gen Volts) is satisfi ed
by its autostop condition (e.g., Stop Gen Volts). Once the generator has completed
this autostart/autostop cycle, the AGS immediately begins to monitor for any active
autostart/autostop settings again.
Monitoring the AGS
The ME-ARC remote’s METER and TECH buttons have additional menus that are helpful for the
proper operation and monitoring of your AGS system. ME-ARC Remote’s AGS METER Menus
Press the ME-ARC remote’s METER button, rotate the SELECT knob to the 04 AGS Meter menu,
and then press the SELECT knob to access the AGS meter’s read-only menus. Rotate the SELECT
knob to view the various AGS meters.