Magnum Energy ME-ARC Remote User Manual
Page 76

© 2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.
Page 69
Using an AGS Module: Setup
Info: When the generator starts and runs based on the gen exercise criteria, the
generator power passes through the inverter to the inverter loads—if the inverter is
enabled to accept AC power on its input—and also charges the inverter batteries (if the
charger is enabled).
Example of a Gen Exercise Scenario:
Under the SETUP: 04H Gen Exercise menu: set Gen Exercise Days = 3, set Exercise Run Hour,
Minute and AM-PM = 8:30A, and then set Exercise Run Time = 1.0 Hrs.
Under CTRL: 03 Gen Control, set to AUTO.
First required condition: The Since Gen Run Days timer must have accumulated to at least
three days (Set Gen Exercise Days = 3). On Day 1, the generator was manually started and
stopped at 2:00 PM. The stop time (2:00 PM) is the starting point for the Since Gen Run Days
timer to begin counting days—the Since Gen Run Days timer displays “0 Days”. On Day 2 at
2:00 PM, 24 hours have accumulated since the generator has last run—the Since Gen Run Days
timer displays “1 Day”. On Day 3 at 2:00 PM, 48 hours have accumulated since the generator
last ran—the Since Gen Run Days timer displays “2 Days”. On Day 4 (third day since the genera-
tor was manually started) at 2:00 PM, 72 hours (or three days) have now accumulated since the
generator has last run—the Since Gen Run Days timer now displays “3 Days”. The fi rst required
condition—which is how many days must pass before the generator hasn’t run—has been met.
Second required condition: The remote clock must now go to 8:30 AM (Set Exercise Run Hour,
Minute, and AM-PM = 8:30A) before the generator can autostart. On Day 5 at 8:30 AM (Since
Gen Run Days timer displays “3 Days”), the second required condition is met and the generator
automatically starts and runs for one hour (Set Exercise Run Time = 1.0 Hrs).
SETUP: 04I Gen Warm-up Time Menu
This menu allows the generator to run (i.e., warm-up) before it connects to the inverter/charger,
or powers the battery charger and any pass-thru loads. Most generators need to warm up before
a load is supplied—similar to warming up your car before driving it.
• Set Gen Warm-up Time – This setting is the amount of time the generator is allowed to
warm up before connecting to the inverter/charger.
Default setting: 60 Sec
Range: 0-127 Sec, 1-127 Min (1-sec increments up to 127 sec, then 1-min increments)
Where should I set Gen Warm-up Time? Check with your generator manufacturer. Typically,
smaller generators (~2-3 KW) need at least 60 seconds to warm up before applying a load; larger
generators require a longer warm-up time.
SETUP: 04J Gen Cooldown Time
This menu allows the generator to continue to run unloaded after it disconnects from the inverter
and prior to autostopping (i.e., cooldown). Allowing the generator to cool down after the load is
disconnected helps to prolong generator engine life (especially diesel engines with turbos).
• Set Gen Cooldown Time – This setting is the amount of time the generator is allowed to cool
down after it disconnects from the inverter/charger.
Default setting: 60 Sec
Range: 0-127 Sec, 1-127 Min (1-sec increments up to 127 sec, then 1-min increments)
Where should I set Gen Cooldown Time? Check with your generator manufacturer. Most gen-
erators need at least 60 seconds to cool down after being disconnected from a load.
Info: The Gen Warm-up and Gen Cooldown features prevent the generator from con-
necting to the inverter’s AC input. Since the inverter has only a single-source input, it
cannot distinguish between grid or generator input. So, during warm-up or cooldown
time, the inverter will prevent any AC input from connecting. Also, when either warm-
up or cooldown is activated, any AC source (i.e., grid or generator) connected to the
inverter’s AC input will disconnect until the time period (warm-up or cooldown) is over.