Magnum Energy ME-ARC Remote User Manual

Page 70

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© 2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.

Page 63

Using an AGS Module: Setup

Why would I use Gen Run Amps? This feature is designed to prevent the battery from being

heavily discharged by monitoring the battery current used to power the inverter loads (shown in

AC amps). When the AC current exceeds the Start Gen AC Amps setting, a generator autostart is

initiated. After the generator connects to the inverter, the current from the generator is now used

to run the loads instead of the battery current. This feature is useful when there is occasionally a

large load or combinations of loads that the inverter is able to run, but by doing so would quickly

deplete the battery bank (large loads might be motors, well pumps, A/C units, or freezers).

Info: The Gen Run Amps feature is not designed to turn on the generator to power

loads above the capacity of the inverter. If attempting to run loads above the inverter

capacity, the inverter may overload and shut down before the generator can autostart

and power the heavy load through the inverter.

Where should I set Gen Run Amps? Typically, the generator autostarts when the AC load

amps is >70-75% of the inverter’s AC current output rating¹. This keeps the inverter from run-

ning too large a load and the batteries from cycling unnecessarily. Set Stop Gen AC Amps just

below the start amps to ensure the large load has turned off. Set the Start Amps Delay time so

surge loads don’t trigger a false start, and set a long enough Stop Amps Delay time setting to

ensure the load has turned off.
Example: In this scenario, most AC loads typically do not exceed 20A when in Inverter mode.

When a freezer or well pump starts, the load exceeds 30A so the battery voltage starts to quickly

drop. Instead of cycling the batteries to a low voltage, set Start Gen AC Amps to 25A with a

60-second delay (using the Start Amps Delay menu). Set the Stop Gen AC Amps menu to 20A

with a 60-second delay (using the Stop Amps Delay menu). After 60 seconds of detecting a larger

than 25A load on the inverter, the generator autostarts and powers the loads and recharges the

batteries. Once the AC amps load drops below 20A for 60 seconds, the generator will turn off.
SETUP: 04D Gen Run SOC Menu
This menu autostarts/stops the generator based on the SOC (State of Charge) reading from the

attached battery monitor (BMK required), as shown on the METER: 05B Battery SOC display. This

is considered the best overall method for using AGS settings to autostart/stop your generator.

Since the ME-BMK already uses voltage, time, and current to determine the true SOC of the bat-

teries, there is little guesswork or calculating needed to determine what settings to use.
• Set Start Gen SOC – This menu sets the SOC level for autostarting the generator.

Default setting: OFF
Range: OFF, 20-99%

• Set Stop Gen SOC – This menu sets the SOC level for autostopping the generator.

Default setting: 90%
Range: 21-100%

Info: There is no start or stop delay time needed since the ME-BMK already displays an

accurate state of charge of the batteries.

Info: The optional Battery Monitor Kit (ME-BMK or ME-BMK-NS) must be installed and

enabled to use the Gen Run SOC autostart/autostop feature.

Info: When using this feature, the gen autostarts and runs until the battery bank has

reached the Stop Gen SOC setting or the AGS’s SETUP: 04F Max Gen Run Time setting

is met, whichever occurs fi rst. Ensure the charger never leaves the Bulk/Absorption

charge mode. This is done by ensuring the SETUP: 03D Absorb Done selection is “SOC

and the setting is ≥ the Stop Gen SOC setting; and, either set the 04F Max Gen Run

Time setting to OFF, or set it long enough to ensure the generator is able to run until

the battery is fully charged. If the charger is allowed to exit the Bulk/Absorption charge

mode (i.e., go to Float/Silent), the battery SOC may never reach 100%.

Note¹ – For a 4000 watt inverter, set Start Gen AC Amps at 25A.