Magnum Energy Remote Switch Adapters ME-RSA User Manual
Me-rsa instruction sheet

ME-RSA Instruction Sheet
Part Number: 64-0022 Rev A
Magnum Energy Inc.
2211 West Casino Road
Everett, WA, USA 98204
The ME-RSA Remote Switch Adapter allows users to connect an external switch
to remotely turn the inverter ON and OFF. The ME-RSA requires a “maintain
contact” or on/off type of switch to turn the inverter ON or OFF.
This Remote Switch Adapter is useful in applications where the inverter is
located in an area that is not easy accessible and there is a requirement to
conveniently turn the inverter on/off in place of a ME-RC remote panel.
The ME-RSA is simple to install and is designed to be used with inverters that
provide a Stack port, such as the ME, MS, MS-AE and RD Series inverters.
Refer to fi gure 2 for the following steps to install the ME-RSA:
1. C
appropriately sized wire
to each butt-splice connector on the
ME-RSA adapter and ensure a tight connection.
Info: The red butt-splice connectors on the ME-RSA adapter accept
22 to 18 AWG wire.
2. Connect the other end of the two wires to an external on/off switch. This
external switch should “maintain” off or on when switched.
3. The ME-RSA adapter MUST be plugged into the Stack port on the inverter
as shown in fi gure 1.
Operation Steps
1. The ON/OFF button on the inverter (and ME-RC remote control, if con-
nected) is disabled when the ME-RSA adapter is connected.
2. The inverter will turn on when the external switch is ON and turn off when
the external switch is OFF.
Info: The charger will continue to function and is not affected by
the ME-RSA adapter operation.
C om m unication P orts
on the Inverter /C harger
S tack
(red )
M agnum N et
(green )
R em ote
(blue )
(yellow )
M E -R S A
m ust be
connected to
the S tack P ort
M E -R S A
Figure 1, ME-RSA Connection to Inverter