Magnum Energy ME-ARC Remote User Manual

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© 2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.


Settings for MSH4024RE:

Info: The MSH4024RE is a dual input source inverter/charger having two independent

AC source inputs (AC1/GRID and AC2/GEN) with independent VAC Dropout settings for

each input. The Set VAC Dropout menu only displays both the AC1 and AC2 fi elds if the

remote is connected to a MSH4024RE model.

◊ Set VAC Dropout (AC1 and AC2) – The AC1 setting determines at what AC voltage—from

the AC1 to NEUT terminals—the inverter/charger will connect to or disengage from the incom-

ing AC. The AC2 setting determines at what AC voltage—from the AC2 to NEUT terminals—the

inverter/charger will connect to or disengage from the incoming AC.
Default setting: AC1=80 VAC, AC2=70 VAC
Range: 60-100 VAC, UPS Mode (AC1 only)

Where do I set my VAC Dropout? It depends on the application and what you are using as the

AC source. The settings not only look at the incoming voltage level to determine when to transfer,

but also determine how quickly the charger disconnects and starts inverting based on the fl uctua-

tions of the incoming AC voltage.
Dropout = 60 VAC to 100VAC (Export inverter models: Dropout = 110 VAC to 190 VAC)

– Use a VAC Dropout setting from 60-100 VAC (export models use from 110-190 VAC) when the

AC source may have fl uctuations in RMS voltage. These settings attempt to prevent the charger

from disengaging unnecessarily due to poor quality voltage, and are highly recommended if using

a generator for charging. The transfer time from Standby mode to Inverter mode is >16 millisec-

onds when using these settings.
Dropout = UPS Mode – Use the UPS Mode setting when the AC source is well regulated above

105 VAC (200 VAC for export models), and the inverter loads are sensitive to voltage fl uctua-

tions. This setting is intolerant of voltage fl uctuations and will provide a quick transfer. The trans-

fer time from Standby mode to Inverter mode is ≤16 milliseconds when using this setting.
Note: Do not use this setting if using a generator as your AC source.

Info: If you get nuisance AC disconnects, either change the setting to 100 VAC or less

(export models 190 VAC or less), or obtain a better voltage-regulated AC source.

• 03C Battery Type – This setting selects the battery type, which determines the battery

charge profi le and ensures the batteries are receiving the proper charge voltage. The charge

voltage settings are fi xed when using the GEL, Flooded, AGM1, or AGM2 selections, but can

be adjusted if using the CC/CV or Custom selections.
Default setting: Flooded
Range: AGM1, AGM2, Flooded, GEL, CC/CV, Custom
◊ Set Battery Type (GEL, Flooded, AGM1, or AGM2) – When the battery type selection

is GEL (for Gel batteries), Flooded (for liquid lead acid batteries), AGM1 (for Lifeline AGM

batteries), or AGM2 (for East Penn/Deka/Discover/Trojan AGM batteries), the charge voltage

level for the Absorption, Float, and EQ charge modes are fi xed and shown in Table 3-1—de-

pending on the battery type selected and the nominal inverter battery voltage.

Info: The voltage settings shown in Table 3-1 are based on the Battery Temperature

Sensor (BTS) at a temperature of 77°F (25°C), or not connected. If the BTS is connected,

the actual charge voltage will increase if the temperature around the BTS is below 77°F

(25°C), and decrease if higher than 77°F (25°C). This ensures the batteries receive the

correct charge voltage regardless of temperature.