Magnum Energy ME-ARC Remote User Manual

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© 2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.

Using a PT Controller: Setup

◊ SOCThis menu requires the ME-BMK to be installed and sets the battery’s SOC level to

start the Bulk charge cycle. The SOC value is provided from the attached battery monitor and

is shown on the METER: 05B Battery SOC menu display. The SOC level is considered the best

overall method for determining when to start another Bulk charge cycle. Since the ME-BMK

already uses voltage, time, and current to determine the true SOC of the batteries, there is

little guesswork or calculating needed to determine what settings to use.
Default setting: 80%
Range: OFF, 50-99%
Note: If “
CC/CV Controlled” displays on this menu’s screen, you will not be able to adjust the

settings as “CC/CV” has been selected as the battery type from the 06A Battery Type menu.


The METER: 05B Battery SOC menu’s meter must have a valid SOC number for

the Bulk Start – SOC feature to determine when to start the Bulk charge cycle based

on the battery SOC. Under the METER: 05B Battery SOC menu, Think’n, No Comm, or

any BMK fault (i.e., Factory Fault, Power-up Fault, or Unknown Fault ##) are not valid

SOC numbers.

Where should I set Bulk Start – SOC? Most battery manufacturers recommend that a deep-

cycle battery should not be discharged below 50% SOC. Set the Bulk Start – SOC level to 50%,

or if you do not want to discharge the batteries quite as much, set it to 60% SOC.
• 06F PT Aux Relay The Aux Relay in the PT controller becomes a battery voltage-controlled

relay when VDC is selected from the CTRL: 04B PT Aux Relay menu. It can be programmed to

engage or disengage on DC volts with an adjustable delay using the following settings.


This Aux Relay has three contacts, N.O. (Normally Open), COM (COMmon), and

N.C. (Normally Closed). This means this relay has two sides; COM to N.O. is one side,

and COM to N.C. is the other side. Having two sides means either side can be open or

closed at any time, so using the terms “open” or “close” doesn’t appropriately describe

the relay status.
When describing this relay’s contact status or operation, the terms “engage” (or

“engaged”) and “disengage” (or “disengaged”) are used. When the PT controller

energizes the Aux Relay to engage, the COM to N.O. contact closes, and the COM

to N.C. contact opens. When the Aux Relay is no longer energized, the Aux Relay

disengages, the COM to N.O. contact opens, and the COM to N.C. contact closes.

◊ Relay Engage VoltsThis setting is the battery voltage trip point at which the Relay

Engage Delay time begins. Once the battery voltage has reached this setting continuously for

the duration of the Relay Engage Delay setting, the Aux Relay contacts will engage (N.O. to

COM closed, N.C. to COM opened). This setting can be below or above the Relay Disengage

Volts setting, depending on if you want the Aux Relay to work as active low or active high.
Default setting: 10.0 VDC (12V), 20.0 VDC (24V), 40.0 VDC (48V)
Range: 8.0-16.6 (12V), 16.0-33.2 (24V), 32.0-66.4 (48V)
◊ Relay Engage DelayThis setting determines how long the Relay Engage Volts param-

eter must be continuously maintained before the Aux Relay engages. Use this setting to delay

the time that the Aux Relay engages once the battery voltage trip point has been reached—so

the Aux Relay does not cycle unnecessarily.
Default setting: 10 Sec
Range: 0-127 Sec, 1-127 Min (1-sec increments up to 127 sec, then 1-min increments)
◊ Relay


VoltsThis setting is the battery voltage trip point at which the Relay

Disengage Delay time begins. Once the battery voltage has reached this setting continuously

for the duration of the Relay Disengage Delay setting, the Aux Relay contacts disengage (N.O.

to COM opened, N.C. to COM closed). This setting can be below or above the Relay Engage

Volts setting, depending on if you want the Aux Relay to work as active low or active high.
Default setting: 14.0 VDC (12V), 28.0 VDC (24V), 56.0 VDC (48V)
Range: 8.0-16.6 (12V), 16.0-33.2 (24V), 32.0-66.4 (48V)