Magnum Energy ME-ARC Remote User Manual

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© 2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.


CTRL: 02 CHG (Charge) Control
02 CHG Control enables you to set the charge mode to Multi-Stage, Start Float, or to Start Bulk.

Generally, the charger should be left in the Multi-Stage setting, but to override this setting use

the CTRL button and the 02 CHG Control menu. The charger can be forced to start the Float or

Bulk mode using the Start Float or Start Bulk settings from the CTRL: 02 CHG Control menu.

Info: If either Start Float or Start Bulk is selected and no AC is present or is qualifying,

or the CTRL: 01 AC In Control menu is set to AC In - Disabled, the remote displays

AC Not Present”.

• Multi-Stage – This selection causes the charger to automatically operate through the multi-

stage (Bulk, Absorption, and Final Stage) charge cycles. When AC is connected and the charge

mode begins¹, the inverter’s battery voltage is monitored to determine the charging stage.

If the battery voltage is low, the charger begins Bulk charging. If the DC voltage is high,

the charger skips the Bulk/Absorb charge stages and goes directly to the fi nal charge stage

(Multi-Stage, Float, or Silent) as selected from the SETUP: 03G Final Charge Stage menu.
Note¹When AC is connected and the charge mode begins, if the 03C Battery Type is CC/

CV the charger enters the Constant Current mode.

• Start

Float – This selection restarts the Float charge cycle from any stage in the charge cycle

as long as the charger is active.

Info: The Start Float selection automatically defaults back to the Multi-Stage setting

once the inverter/charger status displays “Float Charging” (or “Silent” if battery type

CC/CV is selected).
Info: When the battery type is CC/CV: the charger enters Silent mode if Start Float is

selected; or, the charger enters Constant Current charge mode if Hold CV Chg VDC is


• Start


– This selection restarts the Bulk cycle from any stage in the charge cycle as long

as AC is present and the charger is active. The Start Bulk setting is useful when a full multi-

stage charge cycle does not bring the specifi c gravity of the batteries to the proper level.

Info: The Start Bulk selection automatically returns to Multi-Stage once the status

displays “Bulk Charging” (or “Constant Current” if battery type CC/CV is selected).

Info: If the current charge mode is Bulk or Absorption, and then Start Bulk is selected,

Already in Bulk/Abs” displays on the remote.

Info: If battery type CC/CV is chosen and the charger is in Silent charge mode, the

Start Bulk selection transfers the charger to Constant Current mode.

Info: If you have to continually restart the bulk cycle in order to bring the batteries to

full charge, check the settings from the SETUP: 03 Charger Setup menu to ensure the

batteries are fully charged at the end of a regular multi-stage charge cycle.

CAUTION: Frequently restarting the Bulk charge cycle may result in overcharging of

the batteries.

CTRL: 03 Gen Control
03 Gen Control is used for controlling a standby generator that is connected to the system and

you are using the optional ME-AGS-N controller. See Sections 7.1 and 7.2 for information on set-

ting up the ME-AGS-N using the ME-ARC’s SETUP and CTRL buttons.
CTRL: 04 PT Control
04 PT Control is used for controlling a charge controller that is connected to the system. See Sec-

tions 10.1 and 10.2 for information on setting up the PT charge controller using the ME-ARC’s

SETUP and CTRL buttons.