Charge stage pt status – Magnum Energy ME-ARC Remote User Manual

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© 2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.

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Using a PT Controller: Setup

• 06B Absorb Done (Time, Amps, SOC) – This setting identifi es whether time, amps, or SOC

are used to determine when the second stage of battery charging (Absorption) is fi nished.

Absorption is the charge process that attempts to fully charge the batteries. Once this stage

is fi nished, the charge cycle transitions to the third charge stage (Float).
Note: If “CC/CV Controlled” displays on this menu’s screen, you will not be able to adjust the

settings as “CC/CV” has been selected as the battery type from the 06A Battery Type menu.

Info: If the Absorb stage is short or terminated, the batteries may not receive a full

charge. In contrast, if the Absorb stage is too long the batteries may be overcharged.

Either scenario may lead to poor performance or damage to the batteries. Contact the

battery manufacturer to ensure the best charge settings are used for your batteries.

◊ Set Absorb Done Time Absorb Done Time is used when a specifi c period of time is de-

termined to be best for ending the Absorption stage. When using time, the size of the battery

bank amp-hour capacity typically determines the length of the Absorb Done Time setting. The

larger the battery bank, the longer the absorb time needed to ensure a full charge to the bat-

teries. Taking specifi c gravity readings of the batteries and adjusting the absorb time may be

needed in order to obtain the appropriate absorb time for your battery type and battery bank

capacity. See Table 3-2 to help select the Absorb Done Time setting based on the amp-hour

capacity of your battery bank.
Default setting: 2.0 Hrs
Range: 0.1-25.5 Hrs
◊ Set Absorb Done Amps This setting—which requires a battery monitor to be installed

—determines how long the charger holds the battery voltage at the CV Charge Volts setting—

based on a minimum current setting (also known as “return amps”). During Absorb charge

mode—as battery charges—the current required by the battery decreases. When the return

amps decrease below the Absorb Done Amps setting, the charger transfers from the Absorp-

tion charge stage to the Float charge stage. Most battery manufacturers use a specifi c formula

to determine the return amps needed to fully charge their type of battery. The formula used

by most manufacturers to absorb the batteries is C/20, where C=Battery Bank’s Total Amp

Hours. Basically, they take approximately 5% of the total battery bank size and consider the

battery totally charged when the charger’s return amps drops to this level. Check with your

battery manufacturer to fi nd out what the correct return amp settings are for your batteries.
Default setting: 20 ADC
Range: 0-250 ADC

Figure 10-3, Multi-Stage Charging (PT Controller)

Bulk Charging

Absorb Charging

Float Charging



Max Charge


Absorb Done

(Time, Amps or SOC)







First Stage

Second Stage

Third Stage

Charge Stage

PT Status