Magnum Energy Remote Switch Adapters ME-RSA-M User Manual

Me-rsa-m instruction sheet

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ME-RSA-M Instruction Sheet

Part Number: 64-0023 Rev A


Magnum Energy, Inc.

2211 West Casino Rd.

Everett, WA USA 98204


The ME-RSA-M Remote Switch Adapter allows users to connect external

switches and to remotely turn the inverter on and off from different locations.

The ME-RSA-M requires a “momentary” type of switch and allows multiple

switches in different locations to turn the inverter on and off.
The ME-RSA-M is simple to install and is designed to be used with inverters that

provide a Stack port, such as the ME, MS, MS-AE, and RD Series inverters.


Refer to Figure 2 for the following steps to install the ME-RSA-M:
1. C



appropriately sized wire

to each butt-splice connector on the

ME-RSA-M adapter, and ensure a tight connection.

Info: The red butt-splice connectors on the ME-RSA-M adapter ac-

cept 22 to 18 AWG wire.

2. Connect the other end of the two wires to one (or more) external on/off

switches. This external switch should be a “momentary” type of switch which

returns to its normal position when released.
3. The ME-RSA-M adapter MUST be plugged into the Stack port on the inverter

as shown in Figure 1.

Operation Steps

1. The inverter’s ON/OFF button (and on the ME-RC remote control, if connected)

can be used in tandem with the switches connected to the ME-RSA-M.
2. The inverter will alternately turn on or off when either an external switch, a

remote control, or the inverter’s ON/OFF button is alternately pressed.

Info: The charger will continue to function and is not affected by

the ME-RSA-M adapter operation.

C om m unication P orts

on the Inverter /C harger

S tack

(red )
M agnum N et

(green )

R em ote

(blue )

(yellow )

M E -R S A-M

m ust be

connected to

the S tack P ort

M E -R S A-M



Figure 1, ME-RSA-M Connection to Inverter