6 system category (7xx), 7 external device and component category (8xx) – SMA SI 3.0-11 User Manual
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SMA Solar Technology AG
9 Troubleshooting
Operating Manual
9.3.6 System Category (7xx)
9.3.7 External Device and Component Category (8xx)
E626 DigInOn
Voltage at input DigIn (High).
E627 DigInSlv1Off
No voltage at input DigIn (Low) at slave 1.
E628 DigInSlv1On
Voltage at input DigIn (High) at slave 1.
E629 DigInSlv2Off
No voltage at input DigIn (Low) at slave 2.
E630 DigInSlv2On
Voltage at input DigIn (High) at slave 2.
E705 PwrOn
Device start
E706 DateSet
Date or time has been changed.
E707 NewSys
New system configured in the QCG.
E708 Fw1Update
Part 1 of the firmware updated.
E709 Fw2Update
Part 2 of the firmware updated.
E710 ClstUpdate
Cluster firmware updated.
E711 CardInsert
SD memory card inserted.
E712 ParaUpdate
Parameter set has been loaded from SD memory card.
E715 SRCOn
Sunny Remote Control is activated.
E716 PvDiscon
Disconnection of inverters whose power is not controllable depending on the frequency
E718 NoComMod1
Communication interface 1 is incorrectly plugged or missing.
E719 NoComMod2
Communication interface 2 is incorrectly plugged or missing.
E807 StartBox
Multicluster Box ready for operation.
E808 StopBox
Multicluster Box disabled.
E824 UpdFileComplete File for firmware update transferred.
E825 UpdFileCrcOK
File for firmware update is OK.
E827 UpdFileCrcNOK
File for firmware update is damaged.
E851 Sic1Detect
Sunny Island Charger 1 has been detected.
E852 Sic2Detect
Sunny Island Charger 2 has been detected.
E853 Sic3Detect
Sunny Island Charger 3 has been detected.
E854 Sic4Detect
Sunny Island Charger 4 has been detected.