Dialogic IMG 1004 User Manual
Page 96

Installation and Setup
If someone has FTP'd to the IMG 1010 the "FTP Connection Status" field and the
"Remote IP Address" field will update. See screen capture below. Notice the
Remote IP address field. This is the IP address of the PC that the user is FTP'ing
At this point, files can be FTP'd to and from the IMG 1010. Below is an example
of using FTP to change the version of software loaded on the SD card
The following procedure will explain how to change the load on an SD Card and
upgrade the IMG 1010 software. The procedure will assume that:
SD Card was previously used to load IMG 1010 software and the IMG
1010 is running with that software.
The FTP Server is configured and enabled in ClientView. See Steps 1-
4 above
From a DOS or UNIX prompt
User: excelsw
Password: excelsw
NOTE: FTP Applications such as WinSCP that use SFTP (Secure
FTP) or SCP (Secure Copy) will not connect to the IMG 1010.
Only the FTP Protocol is supported for transferring the files to
the IMG 1010 SD Card.
Once logged in you can transfer the new updated IMG software file. Transfer this
file as binary.
ftp> dir (dir command will show what is loaded on SD Card)
ftp> bin (Set mode to transfer file as binary)
ftp> hash (enable hash printing)
ftp> put img1010_
(Transfer times could vary from 2 to 10 minutes depending
on server speed, memory size, etc.)
Verify the software file was successfully transferred by using the dir or ls
ftp> dir
Transfer the bootup.cfg file from the IMG 1010 with the SD Card to the PC.
ftp> dir (dir command will show what is loaded on SD Card)
ftp> ascii (Set mode to transfer file as ascii)
ftp> get bootup.cfg (Get copy of bootup.cfg from SD Card)