Dialogic IMG 1004 User Manual

Page 169

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IMG 1004 - SD Card



Modify the "file=" line on the bootup.cfg file just transferred. Verify the

changes to this file are correct. Below is the line in the bootup.cfg file that will

need to be edited.

# System Software Filename

file=img1004_ver1050137_id0106.bin (Change ver1050137 to new

software build. Ex: ver1050140)


Before transferring the new bootup.cfg file to the SD rename the existing file

on the SD card. This can be accomplished using the rename command in ftp.

See Below

ftp> rename bootup.cfg bootup_old.cfg


Transfer the new bootup.cfg file to the IMG 1004. Transfer this file as Ascii


ftp> ascii (Set to transfer an ascii text file)

ftp> put bootup.cfg (Transfer will take a few seconds)


Once the software is transferred, verify both files were transferred

successfully to the SD Card.


In order to load latest software the IMG 1004 must be rebooted. Go to

ClientView and under the IMG 1004 Physical Node right click and select Clear



A box will pop up informing you that "This option could have significant

effects on the system. Are you sure you want to clear software" Select YES



The IMG 1004 will now reboot and eventually Software will start loading.

Refer to the topic IMG 1004-Hardware Reference > IMG 1004-Front Panel >

IMG 1004 - Front Panel Status LEDs in the online documentation for

information on LED sequencing and error codes that might occur during the

bootup process.


The loading of software through the SD Card will take approximately 4

minutes. Once software is loaded then GCEMS will configure the IMG 1004.