Dialogic IMG 1004 User Manual
Page 59

IMG 1010 - Software Installation and Setup
Configure GCEMS and Start Linux Services - IMG 1010
Topic Location:
IMG 1010-Installation and Setup Guide > IMG 1010-Software Installation and Setup
Before You Begin:
The IMG 1010 should be unpacked, mounted, and connected power to the GCEMS server.
See the manufacturer's instructions for installation procedures.
The GateControl EMS software must be installed. See
Installing GCEMS Software
Acquire IP Addresses for the IMG 1010.
Acquire the MAC address of the IMG from tag on bottom of unit.
Follow these steps to setup the GCEMS Server.
Connect to the GCEMS Server.
Login as:
user: excelsw
password: excelsw
If a DNS server will be needed in your network you will need to configure a DNS server.
To configure DNS server on GCEMS server follow next few steps.
In the RedHat GUI select System Settings > Network and the following screen below will
Select the DNS tab and enter a hostname for the DNS server in the Hostname field.
Enter Primary and Secondary IP addresses for the primary and secondary DNS servers.
Close the network configuration screen.
The first step is to create a link for the dhcpd.conf file in /etc. There are two ways to
create this link. There is a manual way where the command is entered manually into a
terminal and there is a script written to make the process easier. The next few steps
below explain both processes.