Dialogic IMG 1004 User Manual
Page 136

Installation and Setup
If however the GCEMS had already been controlling the IMG(s) there will be a
system.cfg file located in
/opt/cantata/common/config (Software 10.3.x - 10.5.0)
/opt/dialogic/common/config (Software 10.5.1
and the start script will ask "Would you like to begin a new configuration?" See
screen capture below.
If you select Yes (1), the GCEMS will start its processes without creating a connection
to any IMG(s). After starting ClientView, you will have the option to either start a new
configuration with the Configuration Wizard or load an existing .csa file and allow
ClientView to configure the IMG.
NOTE: When loading a configuration from the .csa file, the IMG(s) in the
configuration will be reset by the GCEMS to apply the configuration fully from
startup. This method is executed when the GCEMS software is being upgraded
since the IMG software is typically upgraded at the same time.
If you select No (2), GCEMS will inform you that it is starting using the system.cfg file.
The GCEMS will query the IMG(s) in the configuration and check the status of their
configuration tags. If any Tags are cleared the GCEMS will automatically configure the
IMG with the settings in the existing system.cfg file. This is the method to use when
restarting the GCEMS and you do not want to impact Call Processing on the IMG(s).
See Below.