Dialogic IMG 1004 User Manual
Page 90

Installation and Setup
Downloading IMG System Software From an SD Card - IMG
Topic Location: IMG 1010-Installation and Setup Guide > IMG 1010-SD Card
Overview of SD Card
If the IMG 1010 does not have access to an FTP server, then the IMG 1010 System
Software and IP information can be loaded through the use of an SD Card. The SD
Card is a small memory card much like the memory cards used in digital cameras
and other devices. The IMG 1010 has an SD card slot positioned on the right hand
side of the front panel just below the USB port. The SD card holds the bootup.cfg file
and the IMG 1010 System Software file. The procedure below will explain how to
load the IMG 1010 System Software and IP addresses using just the SD Card.
Insert the SD Card into an SD Writer or use
IMG 1010-SD Card Remote
Load the System Software File onto the SD Card.
On the SD Card provided with the IMG 1010 is a file named bootup.cfg.