5 setpoint channel, 6 alarm channel, 7 serial channel – Kipp&Zonen COMBILOG Data Logger User Manual
Page 59: 8 threshold values
Setpoint Channel
This channel features transmission of values via bus to the
data logger COMBILOG 1022. The values are allocated to the
setpoint-channel and are thus at the disposal of the data logger
for further processing.
A typical application for the setpoint-channel is e.g. the dynam-
ic variation of control thresholds.
Alarm Channel
The Alarm Channel has the same features as the process-con-
trolled digital output channel, the only difference is that the
status information is not output locally at the digital output, but
can only be scanned via the bus.
Serial Channel
The serial channel output transmits the ASCII formatted strings
of the logging channels onto the configured interface. The seri-
al channel function can be configured using the build in web
page (see chapter 12.9)
Threshold Values
The user can preset the conditions for process-controlled digit-
al status output on the data logger and for the output of an
alarm signal via bus. This is carried out by means of the confi-
guration software COMBILOG.EXE.
Hardware Manual COMBILOG 1022