10 logger configuration, 11 password, 12 protocol – Kipp&Zonen COMBILOG Data Logger User Manual

Page 147: 13 logout

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tivated the data logger outputs an ASCII formatted string to the
serial interface with every logging interval.

12.10 Logger Configuration

Using this page the logger can be configured. Besides the set-
tings which can be made with the configuration program
COMBILOG.EXE you can define the mode for the optional
SD card.
You can select the destination media for the logger (internal
flash, SD card or both) and if SD card is selected as one of the
logger media you can define the file mode (daily, monthly or

12.11 Password

On this page the password for the data logger can be changed.

12.12 Protocol

The data logger COMBILOG 1022 supports two different binary
protocols in addition to the ASCII protocol. On this page one
can choose which of the two possibilities, PROFIBUS or
MODBUS, is to be used for communication. The binary proto-
cols exclude each other.
The configured standard protocol is PROFIBUS.

12.13 Logout

Using this link one leaves the configuration pages and re activ-
ates the password protection for the configuration area inside
the web server.

Hardware Manual COMBILOG 1022