11 show ip brief, 12 show ip interface – Kontron AT890X Full-Size CLI User Manual
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Routing Commands
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AT8901/2/3 CLI Reference Manual
NOTE: Routed frames are always ethernet encapsulated when a frame is
routed to a VLAN.
show ip brief
This command displays all the summary information of the IP.
show ip brief
Privileged EXEC
Default Time to Live The computed TTL (Time to Live) of forwarding a packet from
the local router to the final destination.
Routing Mode Shows whether the routing mode is enabled or disabled.
IP Forwarding Mode Shows whether forwarding of IP frames is enabled or dis-
abled. This is a configured value.
Maximum Next Hops Shows the maximum number of next hops the packet can
show ip interface
This command displays all pertinent information about the IP interface.
show ip interface <unit/slot/port>
Privileged EXEC
Primary IP Address Displays the primary IP address and subnet masks for the inter-
face. This value appears only if you configure it.
Secondary IP Address Displays one or more secondary IP addresses and subnet
masks for the interface. This value appears only if you configure it.
Routing Mode Is the administrative mode of router interface participation. The possi-
ble values are enable or disable. This value was configured into the
Administrative Mode Is the administrative mode of the specified interface. The pos-
sible values of this field are enable or disable. This value was config-
ured into the unit.
Forward Net Directed Broadcasts Displays whether forwarding of network-
directed broadcasts is enabled or disabled. This value was configured
into the unit.
Proxy ARP
Displays whether Proxy ARP is enabled or disabled on the system.
Active State Displays whether the interface is active or inactive. An interface is
considered active if its link is up and it is in forwarding state.
Link Speed Data Rate Is an integer representing the physical link data rate of the
specified interface. This is measured in Megabits per second (Mbps).
MAC Address Is the burned in physical address of the specified interface. The format
is 6 two-digit hexadecimal numbers that are separated by colons.