B&G H2000 Pilot *DISCONTINUED* User Manual
Page 185
Will cause the true wind angle associated with the optimum
down wind VMG in a true wind speed of 4.0 knots to be
changed from 130 degrees to 150 degrees.
5.15.17 Output Polar Table Type and Rating
The command
Will cause the current polar table type and its associated
rating to be output in the following format:
s = single digit 0, 1, 2 or 3 representing the polar table type
currently being used.
xx.xx = Four digit number between 16.50 and 99.99
representing the IOR rating. This rating value is used when
the entire polar table is scaled.
5.15.18 Input Polar Table Type and Rating
The command
This command selects a polar table from the three available
in the Performance Unit and then scales it for a new rating
s = Polar table type (0, 1 or 2) to be selected. All adjustments to
the previously selected polar table will be lost. If the 's' parameter
is omitted then the currently selected polar table will be adjusted
to the new rating value.
xx.xx = four digit number between 16.50 and 99.99 Representing
the IOR rating. When a new rating is entered using this
command, all the elements (apart from optimum angles) will be
scaled in the following way:
New value = old value x
Each of the three polar tables stored within the Performance Unit
has its own associated default rating value: