Install rslinx enterprise (data server) – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian SE 4.0 Installation and Configuration Guide User Manual

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Chapter 3 Installing FactoryTalk Historian


Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN025A-EN-E–September 2013

4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation

of the prerequisite packages.

5. On the Welcome... page, click Next.
6. On the License Agreement page, read and accept the terms of

the license agreement, selecting the I accept... option.

7. Click Next.
8. On the Ready to Install the Program page, click Install to

start the installation.
The Installing page appears with the status of the installation.

9. On the InstallShield Wizard Completed page, click Finish

to exit the wizard.
You may be prompted to restart your computer to complete
the installation. If you do not choose to restart your computer
at this time, be sure to restart it before running FactoryTalk


For more information on FactoryTalk Activation, see "Activating
FactoryTalk Historian SE Server (page 63)".

RSLinx Enterprise is a FactoryTalk Live Data server and a

device-based alarm and event server. RSLinx Enterprise links
Allen-Bradley networks and devices to Microsoft Windows
products such as the FactoryTalk View SE (HMI software) and the
RSLogix family of device programming software. RSLinx Enterprise
provides FactoryTalk Historian SE with the data points (tags) it
collects from Rockwell Automation controllers.


It is recommended to install RSLinx Enterprise (Data Server) on the
same machine as FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface, remote

from the FactoryTalk Historian SE server.

Install RSLinx Enterprise

(Data Server)