Resolving error and warning messages, General, Error: system is a pins node – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian SE 4.0 Installation and Configuration Guide User Manual

Page 115: Error: server not found

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Troubleshooting FactoryTalk Historian Chapter 6

Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN025A-EN-E–September 2013


The Windows Administrators group should appear in the
Members list. If it does not, do the following:

1. Click Add. The Select User or Group dialog box appears.
2. Select Windows Administrators and click OK. The group

is added to the FTHAdministrators group.

3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Use this section to find information about the following types of
error and warning messages:

• General (page 115)
• No Connection to FactoryTalk Directory (page 117)

Use this section to find information about the following error

• Error: System is a PINs Node (page 115)
• Error: Server Not Found (page 115)
• Error: Failure to Retrieve Interface Information (page 116)


FactoryTalk Historian SE server setup has determined that this is a

PINS node. The FactoryTalk server installation cannot continue.
Please completely remove the Historian SDK and rerun setup.


The error occurs if you install a FactoryTalk Historian SE server on a
computer that already has FactoryTalk Historian SE Clients

(ProcessBook, DataLink) or components (System Management
Tools) installed.


Remove the Historian Software Development Kit (Historian SDK)
using Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.


The requested server was not found in the known
servers table.

Resolving Error and Warning


Error: System is a PINs Node

Error: Server Not Found