Configuring windows firewall with wfcu – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian SE 4.0 Installation and Configuration Guide User Manual

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Troubleshooting FactoryTalk Historian Chapter 6

Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN025A-EN-E–September 2013



You need administrator privileges to perform the steps described below.


If you prefer, you may manually (page 75) configure the firewall settings
described below.

To automatically configure Windows Firewall with WFCU:

1. Go to the computer on which you have the particular

Historian suite installed.

2. Check the location of the Common Files folder on the

computer for the 32-bit operating system. You will need it in

the command line.

3. Open the Command Prompt window.
4. Type the command provided in the table below.

For this FactoryTalk Historian suite:

Run these commands:

Historian to Historian Interface

%COMMONFILESFOLDERX86%\Rockwell\WFCU\wfcu.exe -I

Asset Framework

%COMMONFILESFOLDERX86%\Rockwell\WFCU\wfcu.exe -I

Historian Server

%COMMONFILESFOLDERX86%\Rockwell\WFCU\wfcu.exe -I

Live Data Interface

%COMMONFILESFOLDERX86%\Rockwell\WFCU\wfcu.exe -I
fcu" -s


%COMMONFILESFOLDERX86% variable stands for

the location of the Common Files folder on the computer.
Example: If the Common Files folder is in the following

C:\Program Files\Common Files\
The complete path to the command that you need to run for
the Historian to Historian Interface is:

Configuring Windows
Firewall with WFCU