Rockwell Automation 294D ArmorStart LT Distributed Motor Controller DeviceNet Version - User Manual User Manual

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Rockwell Automation Publication 290D-UM001A-EN-P - June 2012


Bulletin 290D/291D/294D Programmable Parameters

Chapter 4

Bulletin 294D Units

Common to Bulletin 290D/291D

and Bulletin 294D Units

Motor and Control

Speed Control

Starter Protection

User I/O Config.

Miscellaneous Config.

28 MotorNPVolts
29 MotorNPHertz
30 MotorOLCurrent
31 CurrentLimit
32 StopMode

33 SpeedReference
34 MinimumFreq
35 MaximumFreq
36 AccelTime1
37 DecelTime1
38 SCurvePercent
39 JogFrequency
40 JogAccelDecel

41 ProtFltResetMode
42 ProtectFltEnable
43 WarningEnable
44 ProtectFltReset
45 RunNetFltAction
46 RunNetFaultValue
47 RunNetIdleAction
48 RunNetIdleValue

49 IOPointConfigure
50 FilterOffOn
51 FilterOnOff
52 OutProtFltState
53 OutProtFltValue
54 OutNetFaultState
55 OutNetFaultValue
56 OutNetIdleState
57 OutNetIdleValue
58 Input00Function
59 Input01Function
60 Input02Function
61 Input03Function
62 Input04Function
63 Input05Function

64 NetworkOverride
65 CommsOverride
66 KeypadMode
67 KeypadDisable
68 SetToDefaults


290D/291D Units

Bulletin 294D Units

Network Group

ZIP Group

Advanced Config.

69 OLWarningLevel
70 JamInhibitTime
71 JamTripDelay
72 JamTripLevel
73 JamWarningLevel
74 StallEnabledTime
75 StallTripLevel
76 ULInhibitTime
77 ULTripDelay
78 ULTripLevel
79 ULWarningLevel

69 AccelTime2
70 Dtention
72 InternalFreq
73 SkipFrequency
74 SkipFreqBand
75 DCBrakeTime
76 DCBrakeLevel
77 ReverseDisable
78 FlyingStartEna
79 Compensation
80 SlipHertzAtFLA
81 BusRegulateMode
82 MotorOLSelect
83 SWCurrentTrip
84 AutoRestartTries
85 AutoRestartDelay
86 BoostSelect
87 MaximumVoltage
88 MotorNamPlateFLA
89 BrakeMode
90 BrakeFreqThresh
91 BrakeCurrThresh
92 OptionMatch

100 AutobaudEnable
101 ConsumedIOAssy
102 ProducedIOAssy

103 AutoRunZip
104 ZoneProducedEPR
105 ZoneProducedPIT
106 Zone1MacId
107 Zone2MacId
108 Zone3MacId
109 Zone4MacId
110 Zone1Health
111 Zone2Health
112 Zone3Health
113 Zone4Health
114 Zone1PtMask
115 Zone2PtMask
116 Zone3PtMask
117 Zone4PtMask
118 Zone1PtOffset
119 Zone2PtOffset
120 Zone3PtOffset
121 Zone4PtOffset
122 Zone1AnalogMask
123 Zone2AnalogMask

124 Zone3AnalogMask
125 Zone4AnalogMask
126 Zone1AnOffset
127 Zone2AnOffset
128 Zone3AnOffset
129 Zone4AnOffset
130 Zone1EPR
131 Zone2EPR
132 Zone3EPR
133 Zone4EPR
134 Zone1Control
135 Zone2Control
136 Zone3Control
137 Zone4Control
138 Zone1Key
139 Zone2Key
140 Zone3Key
141 Zone4Key
142 DeviceValueKey
143 ZoneCtrlEnable