Rockwell Automation 294D ArmorStart LT Distributed Motor Controller DeviceNet Version - User Manual User Manual

Page 241

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Rockwell Automation Publication 290D-UM001A-EN-P - June 2012


CIP Information

Appendix B

Group 2 connection set. A ZIP consuming device does not have to enable
AutoRun ZIP if it is a consumer only or if a scanner is used to allocate the
producing connections.

9) Associated Connection Instance -

The instance number of the connection

object associated with this ZIP instance. Initial DeviceNet implementations of
the ZIP object will implement this attribute with Get access, and associate ZIP
instances with predefined connection instances. Future implementations will be
allowed to dynamically allocate connections and associate them with a ZIP
instance. This attribute would then be implemented with Set access.

10) Connection Path Length -

The number of bytes of the “Connection Path”

attribute. For consuming connections, this value is written to the
consumed_connection_path_length” attribute of the connection object when
ZIP is enabled. For producing connections, this value is written to the
“produced_connection_path_length” attribute of the connection object when
ZIP is enabled.

11) Connection Path -

For consuming connections, this attribute specifies the

application object that is to receive the consumed data. This value is written to
the “consumed_connection_path” attribute of the connection object when ZIP is
enabled. For producing connections, this attribute specifies the application object
whose data is to be produced. This value is written to the
“produced_connection_path” attribute of the connection object when ZIP is

12) Data Size -

The size (in bytes) of the data to be produced or consumed. If any

of the “FragmentedIO” bits are set in the Zone Control attribute, this value is 32.
If all “FragmentedIO” bits are clear in the Zone control Attributes, then this
value is 8.

14) Data Security Disable -

Enables/disables data security checking for the

connection. Enabling data security protects against a ZIP producer being
replaced and not having the correct ZIP configuration set. Enabling data security
also protects against the consumption of data from the wrong device type. The
default value for this attribute is 0=enabled.

15) Zone Analog Data Type – This attribute defines the analog data type used
in the Zone Analog Data Table. Data type value codes are given in the CIP
Common Spec Table “Identification Codes and Descriptions of Elementary Data
Types”. For ArmorStart LT this attribute returns the value 0xC7 = UINT.

16) Zone Analog Mask -

Allows for the selection of the consumed data within a

consumed message for use by in the Zone Analog Data Table. Each single bit in
the mask represents a corresponding piece of analog data in the consumed
message packet whose data type is given by the Zone Analog Data Type attribute.
For ArmorStart LT, each bit in the Mask represents a WORD of consumed data

17) Zone Analog Offset -

Allows consumed data to be placed within the Zone

Analog Data Table. This offset is application-specific. For ArmorStart LT, it
represents a WORD offset into the Zone Analog Data Table.