Building wiring – AT&T System 25 User Manual
Page 46

Building Wiring
Building (station) wiring (must be 24 AWG or heavier) from voice and data
terminals to the equipment location should already be in place. System 25
wiring requires that 4-pair circuits be distributed from the equipment location
to each station’s wall jack.
The SIP hardware (Figures 2-2 through 2-6),
designed specifically for this purpose, is furnished with each system. Except
in extraordinary circumstances, this cross-connect hardware must be used.
In unusual circumstances where the 617A Panels are not used and some
other cross-connect equipment that does not provide a modular jack interface
to the port circuits is used, separate 4-pair circuits must be run for the voice
and data terminal at the workstation.
All examples and instructions in this
The station wiring terminations in
manual assume
the equipment
that a SIP is used.
area should have been
labeled to indicate the room location and jack number of the other end of the
line. When SIP connections are made, the connection information should be