AT&T System 25 User Manual
Page 408

APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages
8 4 2 9 : inappropriate request
The telephone number cannot be
phone number exists-list
removed because it’s installed in list
3 .
8 4 3 0 :
inappropriate request
The telephone number cannot be
phone number exists-list
removed because it’s installed in list
4 .
8 5 0 1 : incorrect entry
The entered telephone number is
number can’t exceed 7
not valid.
d i g i t s
inappropriate request
The telephone number is already in
phone number already
the list at another location.
e x i s t s
8 5 0 3 :
incorrect entry
Check character entry within phone
illegal character within
n u m b e r .
phone number
8 6 0 0 :
incorrect action number
Action number must be in the range
must be 0-5
0 - 5 .
8 6 0 1 :
inappropriate request
The trunk pool must be specified
must enter pool first
before actions 1-5 can be entered.
incorrect entry
The entered number was not
pool number does not
e x i s t
8 6 0 3 : incorrect entry
Entered number is not a trunk pool.
must be pool number ,
incorrect entry
Entered NPA is not valid.
must be 3 digits-first
can’t be 0 or 1
8 6 0 5 :
incorrect entry
The number of digits that are
out of range for removal
specified to be removed at the
beginning of the dialed number is
not in range.
8 6 0 6 :
entry out of range
A maximum of 5 digits can be
prefixed digits can’t
entered for the prefixed digits.
e x c e e d 5
entry out of range
The first prefixed digit cannot be 0.
first digit can’t be 0