AT&T System 25 User Manual
Page 207

If you
Enter 1 and press
The SAT displays:
Enter D.
The system completes the word Data followed by the = sign.
After Data= enter one of the following numbers, depending on
which error table you wish to see:
30 to see Permanent System Alarms
31 to see Transient System Errors
32 to see Most Recent System Errors.
select 30, for example, the system responds with: SEARCHES:
Action=1 Data= 30.
Now, enter the letter c to begin the search of this table. The c must be
entered repeatedly to access each line.
To remove a record from the Permanent System Alarms or Transient System
Errors table, enter the letter r.
If you enter a letter incorrectly, press the backspace key or CTRL H for the
Model 703 terminal. Each time you press this key, one character is erased.
If the message “P16; END OF LIST” is displayed. All errors in this list have
been displayed.
When you finish viewing one of the tables and want to view another error log
table, enter D. The system completes the word Data followed by the = sign.
Now enter the appropriate number for the table you want to view. (See
preceding Steps 11 and 12.)
If you want to return to the main menu at any point, type M and
To log off, simply turn off the terminal.