AT&T System 25 User Manual

Page 418

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Covering User

The person at an alternate answering position who answers a

redirected call.

Data Channel

A communications path between two points used to transmit digital

Data Communications Equipment (DCE)

Refers to a specific RS-232C interface connector configuration. The
DCE devices are designed to interface directly (pin-for-pin) to Data

Terminal Equipment (DTE).

The transmit and receive pins are

reversed from that of a DTE interface. A modem is an example of a
DCE device.

Data Dial Code (DDC)

The extension number of a digital data endpoint.

D a t a E n d p o i n t

Two general groups:

those having a DTE-type interface, which

encompasses almost all of the data terminal devices, and those

having a DCE interface, which are primarily modems. It should be
noted that within each category, control interfaces may vary. Refer

to Analog Data Endpoint and Digital Data Endpoints for additional


D a t a M o d u l e

A DCE device providing a standard interface between data
equipment and a TN726 Data Line CP port on the switch. Only ADU

Models Z3A1, Z3A2, Z3A4, and Z3A5 are supported.

Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)

DTE refers to a specific RS-232C connector termination designed to

connect directly to a DCE-type connection. Typically associated with
video display terminals, printers, and computers that either originate
or terminate a data transmission path.
