AT&T System 25 User Manual

Page 404

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APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages




7 4 0 1 : incorrect

MENU = 10 (RS-232) TARGET = 1

e n t r y

ACTION = 1 DATA = 1 or 4

data must be 2 or 3

(Reassign RS232 connector)

NOTE: Above statement
is wrong. data must be 1

or 4 only

8 0 0 0 :

incorrect action number

A blank space is not acceptable.

can’t contain space


incorrect action number

3 digits must be entered for this

must be 3 digits

item number.

8 0 0 2 :

incorrect entry

The item ars activity area specified

does not exist

is not valid.


action number out of

Must enter an ARS pattern before

s e q u e n c e


must enter pattern
number first

8 1 0 1 :

entry out of range

Time for ARS subpattern must be in

time data must be 4 digits

the form HOUR, MINUTES
[HHMM], military time.

8 1 0 2 : entry out of range

ARS subpattern hours [HHMM]

hours data can’t exceed

cannot exceed 23.

2 3

8 1 0 3 : entry out of range

ARS subpattern minutes [HHMM]

minutes data can’t

cannot exceed 59.

exceed 59

8 1 0 6 : entry out of range

ARS FRL (Facility Restriction level)

number must be 0-3

must be between 0-3.

8 1 0 8 : incorrect entry

Facility access code (FAC) in ARS

incorrect pool number

has to be a valid pool number.


incorrect facility type

The entered facility must be 4 digits.

facility does not exist

8 1 1 0 : facility type out of range

A virtual facility access code must

must be 190-199

be between 190-199.
