1 configuration with step 7, Configuration with step 7 – Festo Кабели и принадлежности User Manual
Page 69
4. Commissioning
Festo P.BE−SPC200−COM−PDP−E N en 0901c
4.5.1 Configuration with STEP 7
General instructions
The software package Simatic Manager serves for project
planning and commissioning in conjunction with PROFIBUS
masters from Siemens or compatible masters. In order to
understand this chapter, you should be sure of how to handle
your configuration program. If necessary, refer to the docuĆ
mentation for the Simatic Manager. This manual refers to softĆ
ware version 5.1.
An appropriate device master file (GSD file) for the SPC200
must be installed for configuration. Instructions on this can
be found in section 4.3.
Insert SPC200 as slave
The hardware configuration window represents graphically
the structure of the master system. When the GSD file has
been installed, the SPC200 can be selected in the hardware
catalogue. It can be found in the group [PROFIBUS−DP]
[Further field devices]Ă[ NC/RC] (see Fig. 4/12).
In order to insert the SPC200:
1. Click the entry Festo SPC200 (Ă
3Ă) and hold the left−
hand mouse button pressed down.
2. Pull the mouse cursor onto the PROFIBUS line (Ă
2Ă) on
the DP master and release the mouse button again (drag
& drop). A dialogue window will then appear in which you
can set the PROFIBUS address.
3. Select the same PROFIBUS address that you have set with
WinPISA or with the control panel on the SPC200 and conĆ
firm this with OK.
The SPC200 will then be represented graphically (Ă