5 controlling the spc200 via the profibus, Controlling the spc200 via the profibus – Festo Кабели и принадлежности User Manual
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1. System summary
Festo P.BE−SPC200−COM−PDP−E N en 0901c
Controlling the SPC200 via the PROFIBUS
The usual I/O signals (START, STOP, RESET, etc.) are available
via PROFIBUS, exactly as with direct control of the SPC200 via
an I/O module. If required, the field bus module can also enĆ
able the transmission of parameters and actual positions.
Ĉ I/O signals
For transmitting the I/O control signals and the freely programmable
I/Os (Start/Stop mode) or the record number (Record Select mode),
the field bus module offers the following inputs/outputs:
Ĉ Inputs: I10.0 ... I13.15
Ĉ Outputs:Q10.0 ... Q13.15
Ĉ Parameter channel
By means of a parameter channel, operands such as flags, position
registers, digital outputs etc. as well as the desired positioning
behaviour can be parametrized (see section 5.2).
Ĉ Setpoint positions
The nominal positions can be transmitted from the PROFIBUS−DP
master in the task telegram.
With this is, using the NC command M10 (see system manual on the
SPC200), the digital nominal value specification possible.
Ĉ WinPISA as from Version 4.41
Ĉ fieldbus modules for PROFIBUS−DP with firmware version as from
V 2.1
Ĉ SPC200 with operating system version as from V 4.82.
Ĉ Actual positions
The actual positions can be transmitted to the PROFIBUS−DP master
in the reply telegram.
Address assignment from the point of view of the SPC200
The telegram which the master sends to the slave is called the task telegram. The reply from the
slave is called the reply telegram, see section 4.4.2.