Other automated snapshot procedures, Modifying an automated snapshot scheme – HP StoreAll Storage User Manual
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On the General tab, enter a name for the strategy and then specify the number of snapshots to
keep and mount on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Keep in mind the maximums allowed for
your array type.
Daily means that one snapshot is kept per day for the specified number of days. For example, if
you enter 6 as the daily count, the snapshot feature keeps 1 snapshot per day through the 6th day.
On the 7th day, the oldest snapshot is deleted. Similarly, Weekly specifies the number of weeks
that snapshots are retained, and Monthly specifies the number of months that snapshots are retained.
On the Advanced tab, you can create templates for naming the snapshots and mountpoints. This
step is optional.
For either template, enter one or more of the following variables. The variables must be enclosed
in braces ({ }) and separated by underscores (_). The template can also include text strings. When
a snapshot is created using the templates, the variables are replaced with the following values.
File system name
yyyy_mm_dd_HHmmz + GMT
When you have completed the scheme, it appears in the list of snapshot schemes on the Create
Snapshot dialog box. To create a snapshot schedule using this scheme, select it on the Create
Snapshot dialog box and go to the Schedule tab.
Other automated snapshot procedures
Use the following procedures to manage automated snapshots.
Modifying an automated snapshot scheme
A snapshot scheme can be modified only from the CLI. Use the following command:
ibrix_vs_snap_strategy -e -n NAME -k KEEP -m MOUNT [-N NAMESPEC] [-M MOUNTSPEC]
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