Creating storeall rest api shares – HP StoreAll Storage User Manual

Page 186

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10. Click Finish.

When the wizard is complete, users can access the share from a browser. For example, if you
configured the share with the anonymous user, specified as the IP address on the
Create Vhost dialog box, and specified /reports/ as the URL path on the Add HTTP Share
dialog box, users can access the share using the following URL:

The users will see the directory listing of the base URL path directory of the share (if the browseable
property of the share is set to true), and can open and save files. For more information about
accessing shares and uploading files,

“Accessing standard and file-compatible mode HTTP shares”

(page 196)


Creating StoreAll REST API shares

Keep in mind the following when creating StoreAll REST API shares in object mode:

Do not create file-compatible mode and object mode REST API shares on the same file system.
Use separate file systems for each type of REST API share.

Do not create an object mode REST API share on any file system where Express Query is
enabled. Express Query does not support storing metadata from objects in object mode shares.
If Express Query is enabled on a file system with an object mode API share, metadata from
the object mode files are ingested incorrectly, causing unusable metadata to be added to the
Express Query database. This situation negatively impacts the performance of Express Query
for the files outside the object mode share on the same file system that it ingests correctly.

To create a StoreAll REST API share:

186 Using HTTP