11 http-rest api object mode shares, Terminology for storeall rest api object mode – HP StoreAll Storage User Manual
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11 HTTP-REST API object mode shares
The StoreAll REST API share in object mode provides concepts similar to OpenStack Object Storage
API to support programmatic access to user-stored files. Users create containers within each account
to hold objects (files), and the user's string identifier for the object maps to a hashed path name
on the file system.
Terminology for StoreAll REST API object mode
Table 27 Terminology for StoreAll REST API object mode
The user is represented by an account. Accounts are implemented as existing LDAP, AD, or
local user accounts. Accounts can contain up to 10,000 containers.
Objects are stored in containers. Containers cannot be nested. A container maps to a
subdirectory of the account directory on the file system.
Container names must be at least 3 and no more than 63 characters long. Container names
must also be a series of one or more labels separated by a period (.), where each label:
Must start with a lowercase letter or a number
Must end with a lowercase letter or a number
Can contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes
Container names support the full UTF-8 character set.
Valid container names:
• newcontainer.
Consecutive periods (..) are illegal in a container name, as shown in the following example:
A label is defined as a string of any combination of one or more:
Lowercase characters
‘-‘ characters
A file uploaded by a user into a container within a user's account. The number of objects in
a container is only limited by the capacity of the underlying file system.
A string unique to this object within a container, identifying the object. It does not have to
relate to the original file being uploaded. It can be a path and file name, such as:
Object ID
But it does not have to be a file system construct. It can be any string, such as:
The file is stored in a directory with the filename defined by StoreAll on the file system, in the
given container's directory, based on a hash code of the object ID string. The file location in
the file system is not based on any paths in the object ID string.
Terminology for StoreAll REST API object mode 203