HP StoreAll Storage User Manual

Page 326

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Table 39 Supported options for reports (continued)



Slice Value (not applicable to File Extension Reports)

Retention Expiration Reports and Last Validation Reports:
Required if you selected Slice Type as Log/Equal and
selecting the Date Range/ Duration. The Slice Value
can be selected in days/months/years.

File Size Distribution Reports: Provide the slice value.
The slice value can be in KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, and PiB.

Select a size range.

Size Range (only applies to File Size Distribution reports)

The beginning size range can be in KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB,
PiB or a minimum value (<) can be selected.

The ending size range can be in KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB,
PiB or maximum value (>) can be selected.

Generates the report within the specified date range. If
you selected the Date range, specify the value of the date

Date Range (not an option for File Size Distribution or File
Extension reports)

range for which the report has to be generated. From date
and To date should be specified. Then, click the calendar
button to enter the Date Range or can enter the date range

For last validation reports, select a start date that is in the

Gathers data provided within a specified time period.
Select a beginning and ending duration.

Duration (not an option for File Size Distribution or File
Extension reports)

From the menu, select the chart type as Bar (default), Pie,
or Line.

Chart Type

The Generate button creates the report based on the
selected file systems and options. The report is displayed


in the selected chart format in the report area of the
Reporting page. The Data tab displays the generated report
in a table.

This option lets you save the generated report to your local
computer in PDF, HTML, CSV or text (TXT format).

Save (Optional)

All formats provide the following:

The report data in table format.

The CLI equivalent command that was used to generate
the report.

Location of the report.

Time the report was created.

The PDF and HTML formats also display the graph of the
report generated.

The Reset button reverts the current Reporting page to the
default selections for generating a report.


The following table provides the options for the Filter Criteria text box.

Table 40 Filter criteria for reports


Supported operators


Filter Criteria Options

For example

is or =

isnot or !=

Reporting on files under a
directory or with specific


pathname = dirhome/*

pathname != dirhome/*

pathname is dirhome/*

326 Generating reports