HP StoreAll Storage User Manual

Page 342

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To generate performance reports through the StoreAll Management Console:

In the StoreAll Management Console, select Reporting

→Performance Statistics.


Select Cluster or Host-level from the Report Level menu.

Cluster: Information from the cluster is gathered for the report.

Host-level: Information from a selected host is gathered for the report.


Select one of the following from Sub-Report Level menu.

If you selected Cluster in the previous step, select one of the following:

Cluster Comparison: Reports for the cluster, comparing the performance of each host.

Cluster Cumulative: Cumulative statistics for all the hosts in the cluster shown in one report.

If you selected Host-level in the previous step, in the Sub-Report Level menu, you will see a list
of hosts/nodes present in the cluster by host names. Select any one host or node.


Select a report category from the Category menu. Then, select a subcategory from the
Subcategory menu.

For a definition of the categories, see

“Category descriptions” (page 343)



Select how far back you want the report to graph data from the Duration menu.


Click Generate.

The report is displayed in the StoreAll Management Console.

342 Obtaining performance statistics