HP StoreAll Storage User Manual
Page 183

On the Settings window, enter the URL path and set the appropriate parameters for the share.
See the following table for more infomration about each field on the window. Click Next.
UI Component
Do not include http://
example, /reports/ is a valid URL path. The beginning and ending slashes of the path
URL Path
are optional. For example, /reports/, reports, and /reports are valid entries and
will be stored as /reports/.
If you plan to create an EQWSI-enabled share:
Do not include the following characters in the URL path:
question mark (?), backslash (\), slash (/), asterisk (*), apostrophe (‘), open parenthesis,
( ( ), closing parenthesis ( ) ), open bracket ({), or closing bracket (})
Do not set the URL path to feds; otherwise, the Express Query WSI search function
does not work.
New files uploaded via the HTTP share are given default permissions in standard UNIX
octal notation. The owner user and group receive read-write permissions (77) and everyone
Default Permissions
else receive read-only permission (5). This default permission is ignored when creating
directories, which are set to 0755.
When the WebDAV protocol is enabled for a standard HTTP share, the share becomes
a readable and writable medium with locking capability. The primary user can make
Enable WebDAV
edits, while other users can only view the resource in read-only mode. The primary user
must unlock the resource before another user can make changes.
If Browseable is set to true, the user can issue HTTP GET requests for any directory path
within the share's directory tree, and that directory's listing of files and subdirectories will
Creating HTTP shares from the HP StoreAll Management Console 183