GW Instek LCR-8000G Series User Manual

Page 59

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Create a new multi-step program.

Example: :multi:new demo (file name demo)


Query the results of the test for each step.

Parameter: 0 (Pass), 1 (Fail Hi), 2 (Fail Lo)

Example: 1, +1.5E-7, 0, –0.2E-4 (step 1 failed on
high limit, step 2 passed)


Switches to the multi-step run page.


Save currently edited file.



Sets or returns the measurement speed for the
currently selected step.

Send parameter: Max, Fast, Med, Slow

Return parameter: 0(Max), 1(Fast), 2(Med), 3(Slow)

Example: :multi:speed max (maximum speed)



Selects or returns the step being edited.

Parameter: 1 ~ 30

Example: :multi:test 1(step 1 selected)


Starts running multi-step measurements.

Calibration command


Performs open circuit trimming.

Parameter: 1 (Spot trim), 2 (<10kHz), 3 (<100kHz),
4 (All frequency)

Example: :cal:oc-trim 4 (calibrate for all frequency)


Performs short circuit trimming.

Parameter: 1 (Spot trim), 2 (<10kHz), 3 (<100kHz),
4 (All frequency), 5 (Rdc)

Example: :cal:sc-trim 4 (calibrate for all frequency)


Returns the result of the calibration performed.

Parameter: 0 (fail), 1 (pass)

LCR-8000G Series User Manual





Graph command


Select graphing mode / path.

: graph:func

Set the measurement function for the graph mode.

Parameter: ls lp q cs cp d z phase rs rp x g b y rdc

Example: :graph:func lp

: graph:func?

Returns the current measurement function of the
graph mode.

Return parameter: 1 (Z), 2 (Ls), 3 (Lp), 4 (Cs), 5
(Cp), 7 (Y), 8 (G), 9 (P), 10 (Q), 11 (D), 12 (Rs), 13
(Rp), 14 (B), 15 (X), 16 (Rdc), 0 (none)

: graph:sweep

Set the sweep mode for the graph mode.

Parameter: freq, lev

Example: (drive level) :graph:sweep lev

: graph:sweep?

Returns the current sweep mode of the graph

Return Parameter: 0(frequency), 1(drive level)

: graph:st

Set the start frequency or level for the sweep.

Parameter: (26 Hz) 26, 2.6e1, 2.600000e+01, .026k.

Example: :graph:st 2.6e1


Returns the start frequency or level of the sweep.


Set the stop frequency or level for the sweep.

Parameter: (260 Hz) 260, 2.6e2, 2.600000e+02 (.26k)

Example: :graph:sp 260


Returns the stop frequency or level of the sweep.


Set the frequency if the sweep mode is drive level.

Parameter: (150 kHz) 150000, 1.5e5, 1.500000e+05

Example: :graph:freq 150k