Index, Output operation per setting changes (common) – Yokogawa PC-Based MX100 User Manual
Page 40
IM MX100-01E
Explanation of Functions
Output Operation per Setting Changes (Common)
Setting Changes (Contents)
Output Operation
Changes to settings for op.
Hold prev. val. → preset val. Outputs a preset value the next
time upon startup the power is
turned ON
Preset val. → hold prev. val. The last output value from the
previous operation is held for the
next time the power is turned ON
(outputs the output value active when
the power was last turned OFF
during the previous session)
Changes to settings for op.
Hold prev. val. → preset val. Outputs a preset value the next
time when error occurs an error
Preset val → hold prev. val. Holds the last output value active
before an error occurs even when the
next error occurs.
Changes to the preset value setting*
No change (as above)
Output ch setting changed from Enabled → Disabled
Holds the output val. (last output val.)
* Changes are also applied to inactive channels.
Output Operation through Setting Changes (Individually by Output Setting)
Setting Changes (Contents)
Output Operation
Trans. output Range setting chng. AO: V↔ mA
Output value held
within units
PWM: 1 ms ↔10 ms or interval
(until next output event)
Op. setting chng.
Trans. within units → Trans. between
Trans. within units → manual output
Trans. within units → pattern output
Trans. output Range setting chng. AO: V ↔ mA
Output value held
between units
PWM: 1 ms ↔10 ms or interval
(until next output event)
(user output) Op. setting chng.
Trans. between units → trans. within
Trans. between units → manual output
Trans. between units → pattern output
Manual output Range setting chng. AO: V ↔ mA
Output value held
(user output)
PWM: 1 ms ↔10 ms or interval
(until next output event)
Op. setting chng.
Manual output → trans. within units
Manual output → trans. between units
Manual output → pattern output
Span setting changes
Pattern output Range setting chng. AO: V ↔ mA
Output value held
(user output)
PWM: 1 ms ↔10 ms or interval
(until next output event)
Op. setting changes Pattern output → trans. within units
Pattern output → trans. between units
Pattern output → manual output
Span setting changes
If the PWM output module range setting is changed, the output value is not saved (the interval
1.11 Operation of the 8-CH Medium-Speed Analog Output Module and the 8-CH Medium Speed PWM Output