Settngs, Frst-ch, last-ch, Alarm > 1, 2, 3, 4 – Yokogawa Button Operated MV2000 User Manual

Page 92: Alarm > type, Alarms > value, When the channel mode is volt, tc, rtd, or di, When the channel mode is delta, When the channel mode is scale, sqrt, or 1-5v

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IM MV1000-01E


• Frst-CH, Last-CH

Select the target channels. All of the alarm settings selected here will be applied to

these channels.

• Alarm > 1, 2, 3, 4

Select On for the Alarms that you want to use.

• Alarm > Type

Select the alarm type.

Settng Name



High limit alarm


Low limit alarm


Difference high limit alarm

You can use this alarm on measurement

channels set to difference computation.


Difference low limit alarm

You can use this alarm on measurement

channels set to difference computation.


High limit on rate-of-change alarm −


Low limit on rate-of-change alarm −


Delay high limit alarm


Delay low limit alarm

The alarms for channels set to difference computation can be activated by the values

at the positions indicated below.

Input value

Measured value on the reference channel

H, L, T, t

R, r, h, l

Measured value


• Alarms > Value

Set the value depending on the type of alarm.

When the Channel Mode Is Volt, TC, RTD, or DI

Type Value

Alarm Value Range Example

H, L

Within the measurable range.

–2.0000 to 2.0000 V for 2 V range

R, r

Min: The smallest number expressible, given the

decimal place. Max: The value that is equal to the

width of the measurable range (but cannot exceed

30000 after removing the decimal point)

0.0001 to 3.0000 V for 2 V range
0.1 to 1760.0°C for type R


T, t

Same as H and L

Same as H and L

When the Channel Mode Is Delta

Type Alarm Value

Alarm Value Range Example

H, L

Within the measurable range.

–2.0000 to 2.0000 V for 2 V range

h, l

Within the measurable range.

–1760.0 to 1760.0°C for type R


R, r

Min: The smallest number expressible, given the

decimal place. Max: The value that is equal to the

width of the measurable range (but cannot exceed

30000 after removing the decimal point)

0.0001 to 3.0000 V for 2 V range
0.1 to 1760.0°C for type R


T, t

Same as H and L

Same as H and L

When the Channel Mode Is Scale, Sqrt, or 1-5V

Type Alarm Value

Alarm Value Range Example

H, L

From –5% to 105% of the scale width.

But within the range of –30000 to

30000, ignoring the decimal point.

–5.0 to 105.0 for a scale of 0.0 to 100.0.
–120.00 to 300.00 for a scale of –100.00 to


R, r

Within the range of 1 to 30000,

ignoring the decimal point.

0.1 to 3000.0 for a scale of 0.0 to 100.0.
0.01 to 300.00 for a scale of –100.00 to 300.00.

T, t

Same as H and L

Same as H and L

3.7 Settng Alarms on Channels

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