Report functon – Yokogawa Button Operated MV2000 User Manual
Page 55
IM MV1000-01E
Report Functon
This function is used to create hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly reports.
For configuration instructions, see section 10.5.
• Report Data Types
You can select four of the following types of report data: maximum value, minimum
value, average value, sum value, and instantaneous value.
• Report Types
Hourly report
Produces report data for the previous one hour every hour on the hour.
Produces report data for the previous day every day at a specified time.
Weekly report
Produces report data for the previous week every week at a specified time on
a specified day of the week.
Monthly report Produces report data for the previous month at a specified day and time.
• Combnatons of Reports That Can Be Produced
The MV can produce hourly reports, daily reports, hourly and daily reports, daily and
weekly reports, and daily and monthly reports.
• Source Channels
You can select the source channels from measurement channels, computation
channels, and external input channels. Report data is not produced for channels that
are set to Skip or Off.
Number of Report Channels
MV1004, MV1008, MV2008
MV1006, MV1012, MV1024
MV2010, MV2020, MV2030, MV2040, MV2048
• Unts n Sum Operatons
With sum operations, data is summed over the scan interval. However, for flow rate
values and other values whose units are time based (/s, /min, /h, or /day), a simple
summation results in the actual value not matching the computed result, because
the scan interval and the time unit of the input value are different. In such cases, set
the sum unit, (the
Sum scale parameter in the MV interface), to match the unit of the
input value so that a sum with the same unit as the input value is calculated.
For example, if the scan interval is 2 s, and the input value is 100 m
/min, a simple
summation would add 100 every 2 s resulting in 3000 after one minute. However, if
the sum unit is set to /min, then 2 s/60 s is multiplied every scan interval before the
value is added giving a result that has the right time based (m
/min) unit.
The following conversion equations are used to compute the sum. The scan interval
unit is seconds.
Off: Σ(the measured data at every scan interval)
/s: Σ(the measured data at every scan interval) × the scan interval
/min: Σ(the measured data at every scan interval) × the scan interval/60
/h: Σ(the measured data at every scan interval) × the scan interval/3600
/day: Σ(the measured data at every scan interval) × the scan interval/86400
• Dsplayng Report Data
You can display report data by using key operations.
For configuration instructions, see sections 5.5 and 5.6.
• Savng Report Data
See section 1.5.
• Report Data Values
The range of displayable values for report data, ignoring the decimal point, is –
9999999 to 99999999 (except –3.4×10
to 3.4×10
for sum values).
For special cases and exceptions, see “Special Data Handling Cases and
Exceptions” in this section.
For details on the report file format, see appendix 3.
1.9 Computaton and Report Functons (/M1 and /PM1 optons)