6 cleaning the high temperature probe adapter, 7 stopping and re-starting operation, Cleaning the high temperature probe adapter -7 – Yokogawa Integral Oxygen Analyzer ZR202 User Manual
Page 167: Stopping and re-starting operation -7, Caution

<11. Inspection and Maintenance>
IM 11M12A01-02E
Part No.
Metal O-ring
O-ring with grease
Two pairs of O-rings with grease
11.1.6 Cleaning the High Temperature Probe Adapter
• Do not subject the probe of the High Temperature Probe Adapter (ZO21P-H-A) to shock.
This probe uses silicon carbide (SiC) which may become damaged if it is subjected to a
strong shock or thermal shock.
The high temperature detector is structured so that the gas to be measured is directed toward
the detector with the high temperature probe adapter. Therefore, if the probe or the sample gas
outlet clogs, a precise measurement is no longer possible because of no gas flow. If you use the
high temperature detector, you have to inspect it periodically and, if any part of it is significantly
clogged with dust, clean it.
Dust found sticking to the probe should be blown off. If any dust still remains after the blowing,
clean it with a metal rod, etc., inserted. In addition, if dust is found on the auxiliary ejector or
needle valve (choke) at the sample gas outlet, remove these parts from the high temperature
probe adapter and then clean them. To remove dust, blow air on them or rinse them with water.
11.1.7 Stopping and Re-starting Operation
become unused.
When operating an instrument such as boiler or industrial furnace is stopped with the zirconia
oxygen analyzer operation, moisture can condensate on the sensor portion and dusts may stick
to it.
If operation is restarted in this condition, the sensor which is heated up to 750 °C firmly fixes the
dusts on itself. Consequently, the dusts can make the sensor performance much lower. If a large
amount of water is condensed, the sensor can be broken and will never be used.
To prevent the above nonconformity, take the following action when stopping operation.
(1) If possible, keep on supplying the power to converter and flowing reference gas to the sensor.
If this is impossible to do the above, remove the detector.
(2) If unavoidably impossible to supply the power and removing the detector, keep on the
following air at 600 ml/min into the calibration gas pipe.
gas pipe before supplying power to the converter.
8th Edition : Jan.13,2012-00