12 calibration, 1 calibration setup, Calibration -14 7.12.1 calibration setup -14 – Yokogawa Integral Oxygen Analyzer ZR202 User Manual
Page 102: Calibration setup

<7. Startup>
IM 11M12A01-02E
7.12 Calibration
To calibrate this instrument, the procedure is to measure zero gas and span gas and set the
instrument to read the known concentrations. The procedure for both zero and span calibration,
or for either zero or span calibration, can be performed manually from the touch display, or can
be performed semi-automatically using contact signal inputs to start calibration, (allowing preset
calibration and stabilization times), or it can be performed automatically at preset intervals.
There are three types of calibration procedures available:
(1) Manual calibration conducting zero and span calibrations, or either of these calibrations in
(2) Semi-automatic calibration which uses the touchpanel or a contact input signal and
conducts calibration operations based on a preset calibration time and stable time.
(3) Automatic calibration conducted at preset intervals.
Manual calibration needs the ZA8F Flow Setting Unit to allow manual supply of the calibration
gases. Semi-automatic and automatic calibrations need the ZR40H Automatic Calibration Unit
to allow automatic supply of the calibration gases. The following sections set forth the manual
calibration procedures. For details on semi-automatic and automatic calibrations, consult
Chapter 9, Calibration, later in this manual.
7.12.1 Calibration Setup Mode Setting
For the mode setting, do the following:
Press the [Setup] key in the Basic panel display to display the Execution/Setup display.
Select “Maintenance” in the Execution/Setup display to display the Maintenance panel display.
Then select “Calibration setup” to display the Calibration setup display as Figure 7.16 shows.
Select Mode in this panel, and then select “Manual”, “Semi_Auto” or “Auto”.
Mode: Manual
Points: Both
Zero gas conc: 1.00%
Span gas conc: 21.00%
Calibration setup
Figure 7.16 Calibration Setup Display Calibration Setting Procedures
Select “Points” (calibration procedure) in the Calibration setup display to display the “Both, Span,
Zero” selection display. In this display, select “Both.” Calibration Gas Concentration Setting
(1) Zero gas concentration
If “Zero gas conc” is selected in the Calibration setup display, the numeric-data entry display
then appears.
Use this display to enter an oxygen concentration value for the zero gas calibration;
if the oxygen concentration is 0.98 vol%O
, enter 00098.
8th Edition : Jan.13,2012-00